Friday 8 May 2015

Dexters ootd 8/5/15

Morning! So yesterday was a pretty big day for Dexter. Daddy fed him his very first petit filous and he had cottage pie for tea! Weaning is going amazingly well and Dexter is taking to it like a duck to water. It makes me so proud of him, but I also can't believe where the time's gone! Before we had him, I honestly thought he would stay a little baby, all wrapped up in a blanket for ages! But here we are 6 months on, and he's eating 3 meals a day plus bits of baby milk here and there! Today we are feeling nice and bright after a good nights sleep! Dexter only woke up once, which I suspect could be because his tummy is nice and full and he doesn't feel the need to wake up for bottles much anymore! This morning he had organix banana and strawberry baby porridge mixed with whole milk for the first time...and he loved it! It's so nice to see him trying new flavours and enjoying them! 
After a nice long nap, it was time to get Dexter out of his babygrow and into his outfit for today! 
As you can see, Dexter is desperate to become a footballer when he's bigger! This vest was bought on eBay, but it was originally from tesco. I just loved the little slogan on the front and couldn't resist! Dexter genuinely loves to watch football with his Daddy, and his eyes light up when Lee has sky sports on! Pretty sure he's going to take after Daddy and be really sporty.
Here's a nice shot of Dexter nonchalantly watching Cbeebies when I'm trying to get him to smile. Never work with children or animals! 
As you can see, Dexter is wearing his 'Daddy is my Superman' t-shirt,which is very fitting as he absolutely adores Lee! His jeans are from Next, and are the only pair he has which still fit him in size 3-6 months. I doubt they'll fit him for too much longer, I'm pretty sure he'll be taller than me next week at the rate he's growing! 
His little socks are part of a set my parents bought Dexter for Xmas and, as you can see, have cute little dumper trucks and stripes on them. 
I hope you all have a lovely day! I'm off to try and tidy up a bit while Dexter has his second nap of the day! 
Until next time,
Laura XxX

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