Wednesday 1 April 2015

Liebster award!!

So...I have a confession to make. This is not the first Liebster award that I have been nominated for! I have been so stupidly disorganised, I have totally forgotten to actually write my Liebster award post! 
Basically, my first nomination was a couple of months ago from the very lovely Cat at She was probably the first Mummy blogger i spoke to and was so nice, so i really appreciated being nominated by her. She's even set up a business called Max & the Star, which sells gorgeous dribble bibs, burp cloths, teething rings, bunting, infinity scarves and even headbands, all of which she makes herself in stunning fabrics! Take a look at all of her lovely items on Facebook, Etsy, and even Instagram! Thank you for nominating me so long ago Cat, sorry it's taken so long!
My second nomination was a few days ago from a lovely lady called Steph over at  and her twitter handle is @stephblake_xo
She is currently expecting her first baby which is due in May, so not very long to go now! You'll love her if you're currently pregnant as you'll identify with a lot of what she has to say, but I also love reading her blog as it's a real trip down memory lane to when I was carrying Dexter! Thank you so much for the nomination, lovely! 
Part of the Liebster nomination is having some questions to answer which have been asked by the blogger who nominated you! So, here are the questions asked by Steph-

1.Why did you decide to start blogging?
I decided to start blogging as it was always something I'd wanted to do as I've always enjoyed writing  and the timing just seemed right! It was January this year i officially wrote my first blog post and I've been hooked ever since! I think before I had Dexter, I wouldn't have had a clue what to write about. I suppose you could say Dexter is my muse! 

2. What do you love and hate most about blogging?
I love the fact that, if you write something people enjoy reading, they tell you! It makes me so happy when people say they like a post I've written, it's the best!
The thing i hate is Html coding as I am really out of touch with it! At some point in the next few months I am going to pay the have my blog redesigned so it's a little more aesthetically pleasing. If it was left to me to sort it out, it would look horrendous. I seriously think my coding skills are from the Stone Age. In other words, non existent! 

3. If you won £1000, what would be the first thing you'd buy? 
I think I'd pay for a really really nice holiday for me, Lee and Dexter! My pregnancy was really rough as I had pre eclampsia, so last year was full of trips back and forth to the hospital and worrying about Dexter. Plus Lee and I haven't been away together since 2013 so it would be great for us to have a break from everyday life and take Dexter on his first big adventure! :)

4. How would you describe yourself in three sentences or less?
I would probably say that I'm a nice, friendly and dependable person who is fiercely loyal. I'm also very family orientated, loving and caring with a big heart. Plus, i like a good laugh!

5.Name one thing you would never change about yourself.
The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that I'm a mother. But if this is an appearance question, i like my high cheekbones! 

6. Tell us your most embarrassing memory
Oh gawwwwwwd! Ok, so I was in my first year at high school and I was sitting in food technology class. We all sat on stools at desks, unless we were at the worktop cooking. I, for some reason, decided it was a good idea to swing on my chair, forgetting that it was actually a stool. I fell backwards,  pushed the table behind me and landed in a heap on the floor infront of the whole class. Just to make matters worse, when I got up off the floor, I has ripped my trousers so my knickers were on show! Ugh, so embarrassing!

7. Three things you couldn't live without?
Lee. Dexter. Ipad

8. Your favourite quote?
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind!"- Dr Seuss

I am still totally and utterly amazed when anyone reads my blog, and especially when they comment and tell me how much they enjoy what I write! Quite honestly, I don't plan anything beforehand. I just sit here and type until I'm happy with what appears, so for people to enjoy it is a real achievement for me! So, before I well up with happiness, or the baby wakes up and decides he wants to eat my hair today, here are my Liebster award nominations to all of those awesome bloggers out there who deserve some recognition!











My questions for Nominees-
1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
2. How would you spend a perfect day?
3. If you could have dinner with anyone,living or dead, who would it be and why?
4. If you were stranded on a desert island with only 3 items of your choice, what would the items be?
5. What is your favourite band and/or singer?
6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
7. What's the best holiday you've ever been on?
8. What do you like best about blogging?

The Rules-
Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog
Answer the questions above in a blog post
Nominate at least 10 blogs with 400 followers or less for the Liebster award
Ask some questions of your own
Let your nominees know you nominated them

Thank you so much Cat and Steph! And to the people i nominated, i really look forward to reading your posts! :) 

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