Sunday 29 March 2015

Our (not so wonderful) week!

So I don't often do posts like this. Infact, I've never done one of these posts, simply because I find it difficult to be that 'post on the same day every week' kind of girl! But I thought I would share with you a little window into our world. Maybe it'll become a regular thing and I'll change my blogging commitment phobe ways...who knows?! 

Sunday- Sunday was a huge day for Lee and i, probably for slightly different reasons! It was 22nd of March and we were off to wembley stadium to watch Lee's team, Walsall FC, play against Bristol City for the chance to win the johnstones paint trophy. Don't get me wrong, I was excited and all, but that day would also be the first whole day I had been away from Dexter so I was a little distracted! Lee's mom was in charge for the day and Lee's sister, Michelle, and nephew, Alex, would be popping round for a few hours so that the boys could play and they could all go for a nice walk. I'll admit, I was an emotional wreck. I am almost certain that if we were not on a mini bus surrounded by people, I would have shed more than a few tears on that journey down to London. Despite all of the organisation required for such a tiny person, the severe lack of sleep the night before (Dexter started teething properly and was awake nearly all night) and Walsalls untimely demise at the hands of Bristol City (the match ended in a 2-0 defeat) it was a really good day! Plus, I could finally say that I had bit the bullet and left the baby in someone else's capable hands for a few hours! It was a personal victory being away from him for a little bit, but I couldn't wait to get back and see that cheeky smile of his! 
On the way back through London, I received a tweet from a lovely company called prairie charms (catch them on, who wanted me to write a blog post based in some way around an accessory from their website. I was sent a much more thorough brief than just described, but that was the gist of it! It was a race against time for me to get back to them as they wanted a response before 10pm that night and i only had 20% battery life on my phone and was in a minibus in London stuck in football traffic! Luckily, I managed to respond and have since received my lovely items, which I will be writing about this evening and tomorrow. We finally got home after picking Dexter up at about 11pm, so we crawled into bed with a macdonalds (naughty!) and went to sleep after a long and exhausting day!

Monday- To be honest, Monday was a day of recuperation after the crazy day we had on Sunday. I had a driving lesson at about 10.30am, then we just lay in bed and caught up on some tv we had recorded on the sky box. Nothing monumental happened, but sometimes the days we just lay in bed and snuggle with our baby are the best days :)

Tuesday- Quite literally did nothing again! I'm pretty sure we were knackered because Dexter was up again with his toothy pegs through the night, so it was a day of naps and cuppas in bed with a bit of judge Rinder thrown in! We're an exciting bunch aren't we?! 

Wednesday- Wednesday Lee was at work, so Dexter and I had the morning to ourselves until Daddy got home! Dex went crazy on a pouch of parsnips, parsnips, parsnips by Ella's Kitchen, while I managed to finish and upload another blog post. We had an electrician friend of Lee's coming round to fit a plug socket in the hallway and, once he'd gone home, we decided to order a takeaway and relax. I had a really bad pain in my tummy, but put it down to the fact that I had been so busy with Dexter that i hadn't managed to eat anything all day. Lee made me some toast while I sat with Dexter, but the pain only got worse. By the time our food had arrived, I was in agony. I convinced myself that it was just hunger and managed to eat a few slices of pizza, before feeling really gross. Lee was starting to get a funny stomach as well at this point...then the throwing up started. To say the next few days were grim is a serious understatement. We were both so so ill and spent the next few days in bed feeling horrendous. Not exactly a fun end to the week! Lee had to have time off work and we had to enlist the help of my mom to babysit Dexter while we rested. To avoid having to describe the following few days of illness, I will skip along to...

Saturday- Saturday was the day we had tickets to see Mcbusted at the Barclaycard arena in Birmingham. We had woken up feeling a lot better than before, but still pretty fragile. It was hit or miss whether we would actually make the trip there or do what we felt like doing and curling into a ball in bed all evening! Luckily, we managed to get ready and felt just well enough to go. We had horrible rumbling stomachs while we were there, which concerned us a little. We were beginning to think we were about to experience sickness round 2! Luckily though, we were alright and had a great night! Mcbusted were awesome as always and we went home with very rumbly tummies, but smiles on our faces nevertheless! Dexter slept through the night too which was a bonus, so we actually got an unexpected amount of sleep too :)

So, that was our week! I hope you enjoyed reading about our exploits in that wacky world we call parenting! I hope you all had good weeks too, I'll be back very shortly with my Prairie Charms blog post, so keep 'em peeled! 

Laura Xxx

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