Saturday 3 October 2015 you think you can parent?!

I often feel that my life is like a very disorganised version of the generation game. Remember that? Jim Davidson (i was a 90's kid) would make a few saturday prime time friendly jokes, some woman would walk on and pretend to be a bit dim and contestants would attempt to spin plates or make a vase while everyone laughed at them. Oh, and the conveyor belt at the end. Everything passes by so fast and there are that many bloomin' things going on, it's pretty much impossible to take everything in! This, i find, very much resembles what being a parent is like. I always remembered the cuddly toy though!

Before i had Dexter, i would try to plan my parenting experience in my head. I would go on sites such as pinterest and makes boards, planning out what my future child would wear, how i would discipline them, what they would eat, what games i would play with them etc. I soon found out that there is no room for planning when you are a parent! I mean, you can make sure a bottle is made up ready for bedtime and make sure their clothes are clean, but nearly everything else is decided by your little one. They determine what time you eat, sleep, leave the house, have a shower...children are essentially tiny dictators who make you think you're organised and then crush your dreams at the last minute!

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of wonderful things about being a parent, but anyone with children will know how much more you value your downtime once you have little people in the house. It's a crazy time in your life because there are so many highs and lows in the space of a day, you actually don't know what kind of mood you're in. You're just too busy to think about you!
It's also impossible to fully explain to people who don't have kids, what it's like to have them. You talk about the sleeplessness, nappy explosions, annoying task of fitting the car seat...but then you try to explain all of the good things and they just make you sound like you're getting a really raw deal.
"yeah, i had to scrape poo off the back of his neck but he did this really cute smile afterwards and it made it all worthwhile'...
People without kids look at you like you're insane! There is no way i would have wiped poo off anyone before i had Dexter, let alone regarded a gummy grin as suitable compensation for such a task! 

As i type, Lee is playing Fifa and we are both eating crisps without having to share them! Amazing!
Which brings me to my reason for writing this particular post. I am looking for  bit of blog inspiration and am planning on writing a series of blog posts, depending on how much info i source, about things that generally pee you off since you have become a parent! Having only had one child myself, i am yet to experience a lot of things, good and bad, that parenting has to offer. I just think it would be interesting, and a bit of a laugh, to all have a moan and share a few stories! 
To get the ball rolling, my biggest peeve by far since becoming a parent , is when people without children park in the parent and child parking in the supermarket car park! I could literally rant about this for a good hour, possibly without taking a breath. It drives me bananas!! 
So, i would much appreciate your ideas and anecdotes. When you have thought of anything you might want to share with me, either pop it in the comments here on my blog, Tweet me @dextersmummy, or send me a comment or message on my Dexters mummy Facebook page! If you know me personally, you can also let me know via my personal Facebook profile or drop me a text!

So, let's all have a communal moan and find some common ground! Pretty sure we've all got some hilarious stories and many many annoyances to share! 

Until next time,
Laura Xxx

Here is Dexter modelling his Nutella chops.
Nothing is ever fully clean again once your child starts to crawl!!

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